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​Community Scheme Management



  1. Arrange for repairs to, and maintenance of, the common property that does not require the advice and supervision of suitably qualified professionals.

  2. Negotiate with professional firms or outside contractors for the compiling of specifications of work to be done.

  3. Administration of staff of clients in accordance with the Labour Relations Act and othe legislation.

  4. Assist the Trustees/Directorsin obtaining replacement values of buildings / improvements for insurance purposes and arrange for the insurance of the buildings and improvements.

  5. Pay the annual and or monthly insurance premiums.

  6. Submit all insurance claims on behalf of the Body Corporate to the duly appointed broker.

  7. Assist in the enforcement of the Rules of the Body Corporate, when so required by the Trustees.

  8. Keep full records and report to the Body all matters which, in their opinion, will detrimentally affect the value or amenity of the common property.


The Managing Agent undertakes on behalf of the Body Corporate to:

  1. Arrange for the collection of the monthly levies, special levies and all amounts due by Members of the Body Corporate and also all other income or monies due to the Body Corporate.

  2. Arrange for the preparation and delivery of owner statements on a monthly, quarterly, annual basis.

  3. Instruct an attorney for the collection of outstanding levies or for other legal matters (litigation, advice, arbitration, applications, interdicts, etc.).

  4. Mamre will endeavour to recover all levies, fees and charges payable by a defaulting owner.

  5. Mamre will be responsible to exercise credit control on a monthly basis in order to recover all amounts owing by owners to the Body Corporate.

  6. Mamre shall comply with the provisions of the Debt Collectors Act in respect of collections undertaken by the Managing Agent.


Mamre undertakes on behalf of the Body Corporate to:

  1. Pay all expenses incurred in the administration of the Body Corporate, as instructed by theTrustees.

  2. Prepare and submit on a regular basis statements of income and expenditure.

  3. Arrange the annual audit with the auditor oraccounting officer.

  4. Prepare an annual estimate of income and expenditure (Budget).

  5. Attend to the requirements of the South African Revenue Service and all statutory requirements, at the prevailing rates.


  1. Maintain the statutory records, minute books, attendance registers, register of sectional bond holders, sectional plans, rules, insurance policies and all other records and files pertaining to the Body Corporate.

  2. Draft and dispatch of circulars, notices, agendas, proxies and nomination forms for General Meetings of owners.

  3. If requested by the Trustees, draft and dispatch . notices for meetings of the Trustees.

  4. Attend the Annual General Meeting of the Body Corporate or Trustee meetings.

  5. Keeping proper minutes and dispatching copies to all persons entitled to receive such minutes.

  6. Assist and advise the Trustees on procedural matters, such as general meetings, special general meetings, quorums, proxies, resolutions, voting rights, amendments to Rules and the statutory requirements of the Sectional Titles Act 95 of 1986 as amended and the Rules.

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